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About the Author
Book Two: An Imperfect Warrior: FEAR
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About the Author

Stephen Wolf grew up in Massapequa, a town on Long Island in New York. His story is one of rebirth. As a child he struggled with learning disabilities. He couldn’t read until he was in fourth grade. When he was twelve, his Grandfather was diagnosed with terminal cancer and ended up taking his own life. As a teen, Steve struggled with substance abuse and almost died at the age of fourteen. He was able to overcome these life challenges and put himself through college while working full time and raising a family with his wife Karen. He graduated Magna cum Laude from the Honors Program at C.W. Post, Long Island University and made a successful career for himself in sales at a Fortune 50 company.

At thirty-five years old, married and the father of three boys, Steve found himself caught in the day-to-day grind of life. Putting work and everyone else first, he started neglecting himself. The next thing he knew he was two-hundred and ninety pounds and not truly enjoying life. His entire world then changed when he had a stroke one night while sleeping and found himself in the Intensive Care Unit for a week. Lucky to have survived death once again, Steve was given a new lease on life, but his fight continued through brain surgery and a chronic lower back injury. Through great struggle and a lot of luck, Steve was able to overcome his difficult situation by building up his body and mind, rising above these traumas to pursue a rugged outdoor lifestyle.

But in the brutally harsh reality of life, there are always additional challenges and Steve continued to face adversity. He separated from his wife and went through a divorce. He was then diagnosed with two new cavernous malformations in his brain. His mother had a stroke of her own, and his youngest son Brody fractured his skull and had to undergo emergency brain surgery. Although Steve continues to experience life’s struggles, he is keenly aware of how lucky he is, and how tomorrow is not promised to anyone. With this understanding in mind, Steve makes a point of living with a purpose and is committed to lead by example. He hopes to motivate as many people as possible to awaken the “Imperfect Warrior” that dwells within each of us.

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"One battle at a time...Turning thought into Action!"

Life philosophies for change, positivity and the journey to living a full life as a
Warrior-not a Victim!